India (MNN) — When Mutha heard knocks on her door around midnight, she feared it might be the Naxilites (Maoists). They're a rebel group fighting on behalf of the landless laborers
against landlords and others. Their opponents say they are a terrorist group who oppresses people in the name of a class war.
The knocks continued, and though it was late and Mutha had had a long day of work in the fields, she opened the door. To her surprise, it was a neighbor and the neighbor's daughter. The daughter was hysterical, and her mother asked Mutha for prayer.
Mutha had attended a seminar that Partners International held for her unreached people group, the Koya. Nervously and quickly she prayed for healing for the girl, using what she
learned at the Scriptures in Use seminar. In the days that followed, Mutha visited the family. The girl's health was restored, and Mutha was able to share the Good News with them.
It was encouraging for Partners to hear the fruit of their efforts, as seminars can easily come and go. Now, Mutha is known as the village prayer warrior, and she and her husband have led many people to Christ.