Bangladesh (MNN) — Building God’s Kingdom in Bangladesh takes a significant investment of time, but believers are seeing God’s grace at work.
Over five years ago, an Operation Mobilization worker named Iban* met Najul*, Bangladeshi school headmaster. At that time, the school barely had any facilities; even a toilet was lacking. While helping Najul equip the school, Iban shared the Word of God with him.
Najul’s interest was piqued, and he wanted to know more, so the discussions continued. As Najul gradually shared what he was learning with his wife, she became interested, too.
Today, Najul, his wife, and two of their friends have come to faith in Jesus and are part of a discipleship group. However, they haven’t confessed their faith publicly yet. Pray for courage for these new believers to take that next step.
Initially, a religious teacher at the school had joined Iban and Najul’s conversations about things like the Trinity and salvation. The teacher stopped coming after a while, but recent events have changed his perspective.
The religious teacher’s wife recently became ill, but the family was too poor to afford the necessary medical treatment. Iban and the local village fellowship decided that paying the medical bills was their chance to show Christ’s love in a practical way.
This act of kindness moved the family, but the teacher hasn’t re-joined Najul and Iban’s discussion times yet. Pray for this man’s “heart of stone” to be broken.
OM leads initiatives to redeem lives, rebuild communities, and restore hope in over 110 countries. Learn more about their work in Bangladesh here.