International (MNN) — From the bustling city of Chicago to the southern state of Texas, Global Aid Network (GAiN) seed-packing programs are spreading like wildfire across America.
These seed-packing events bring people together to prepare harvester packs of vegetable seeds to send to countries in need of humanitarian aid. One harvester pack contains five different varieties of seeds.
One harvester seed pack in the hands of one needy family provides that family with the means for a garden and food. Seed packs go to families in places such as Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa.
It is no surprise, however, that with the world’s focus riveted on the famine crisis in the horn of Africa, GAiN is also getting involved to relieve suffering there.
Steve Watson, GAiN USA Director of Logistics, says, “Right now in the horn of Africa, we’re sending in emergency food relief. A lot of the kits that are being put together now will go to the horn of Africa…. As water becomes more plentiful, they will then be able to plant gardens to help to sustain their families for the future.”
GAiN’s projected plan for aid to the horn of Africa is to provide 34 containers of food and relief supplies over the next several months.
As GAiN distributes these packs of food and seeds, the Gospel message is woven into their work. Passing out seeds makes for opportunities for relief workers to share the parable of the Sower and the seed. They also use the illustration of Jesus as the ultimate seed who died, was buried in the ground, and then rose again to bring new life.
According to Watson, “The idea is not just to relieve suffering, but to open the door to share the Gospel so that they have hope for the future.”
Any church or college campus is able to host one of GAiN’s dynamic seed-packing programs. If you want a great way to work with other believers to enable the hands of feet of Christ’s church in the world, go to gainusa.org and check out the section “Get Involved.”