Thailand (MNN)–From a small loan, to a new church…it’s the principle of seed and harvest.
FARMS International’s Joseph Richter says they have three micro-credit programs running in Thailand.
The projects have the potential to spur growth and strengthen the church. Richter explains, “We keep expanding because these churches, especially amongst the hill tribes, keep growing in Thailand. The numbers of people being won to the Lord is really an encouragement.”
The Christians involved with the projects are very disadvantaged and extremely poor. Richter says their latest numbers regarding the Thailand programs show 233 families helped.
Together, they’re generating income that approaches one million US dollars. That translates into a lot of ministry, Richter notes. “Our program encourages, and actually requires, tithing of every loan recipient out of their profits, so every time we help a family, a church is helped. You can see that a program like this could truly impact the outreach potential of these churches.”
Working for four decades through the indigenous church, FARMS provides loans, technical support for income generating projects, and spiritual training for families.