International (MNN) — Often around the world, people have literally no access to Scripture in their own language. For some, even when they are given the Bible in their own language, they do not have the ability to read it.
For those who have the Bible translated into their own language but are illiterate, it would seem impossible to access the Word without tracking someone down to read it to them. Faith Comes By Hearing has been working on a solution for over 35 years.
Faith Comes By Hearing puts a voice to Scripture, producing audio Bibles for the poor and illiterate across the globe. Just last week, the ministry released 10 more Audio New Testaments, providing the opportunity for people to hear the Truth of the Gospel, some for the first time.
The Audio New Testaments were recorded and released in these languages: Chatino de Tataltepec, Chinateco de Sochipan, amd Mixe de Atitlan, all native of Mexico; Datooga, in Tanzania; Dutch, in Suriname; Malay Bahasa in Malaysia; San (Samo) in Burkino Faso; Desano in Columbia; Indonesian (Shellabear) in Indonesia; and Wolaitta in Ethiopia.
These new releases have the potential to reach more than 56.3 million people. Pray that all of the people represented in these 10 languages would now have access to the Scriptures, be it through solar-powered Audio Bibles or free downloads. Pray that each one of them would hear the Word and respond to its power through the One and Only God.
To listen to Audio Scripture daily in your own language, visit faithcomesbyhearing.com. The ministry presents the Gospel in 443 languages in 508 recordings, most of which are available online.