Kenya (MNN) — Seasonal downpours and flooding are bringing woe to many in Kenya, but nothing can dampen the spirits of DOOR International’s leaders.
The Deaf ministry can finally hold its Scripture celebration, now that Kenya’s political leaders have laid aside their conflict.
“This is a really great thing for the country and for peace in Kenya because it seems that the political turmoil…is really starting to simmer down and people are beginning to unite again,” says DOOR President/CEO, Rob Myers.
Sign Language Scripture Celebration
On June 9, DOOR and its partners will celebrate the completion of Bible portions in four sign languages: Kenyan Sign Language, Mozambican Sign Language, Nigerian Sign Language, and South Sudanese Sign Language.
“For two of those languages, Mozambique and South Sudan, this was actually the first Scripture access that those communities would ever have,” shares Myers.

Deaf people understand God’s Word when they see it in their heart sign language.
(Photo and header photo courtesy of WNN)
Sign language Scripture is critical to reaching the Deaf for Christ.
“These are people who, for years and years, had written Scripture around them. But, they struggle with reading; that written language is not their first language. Sign language is their first language,” he explains.
“Imagine only having access to 20-30% of the words in the Bible. Black out all the rest of the words and then try to understand, conceptually, what it is those passages are saying. Many times, that’s the challenge a Deaf person is facing if they’re trying to access written language.
“But, if they see it on the hands of a Deaf person, it’s a totally different experience.”
That’s why there are two halves to DOOR’s ministry. Sign language Bible translation makes God’s Word accessible and understandable. Deaf-to-Deaf evangelism and church planting raises up disciples and leaders, so that the world’s 68 million unreached Deaf people may know Christ.
“Many, many Deaf – including here in the U.S. – are cut off from the Gospel because they don’t have Deaf leaders who can share the Gospel with them…out of 70 million Deaf worldwide, less than two-percent know Christ.”
You can help reach the Deaf
You don’t have to know a sign language to help reach Deaf for Christ. Myers describes three critical ways you can help today — all without leaving out your front door.
Prayer is the first and most important step.
“You’re talking about people groups who have been cut off for thousands of years,” Myers notes. “Obviously, the enemy does NOT want the Gospel to come in. There’s a big spiritual stronghold in many of these Deaf communities.
“Deaf people are desperate for the Gospel. They need work that only the Holy Spirit can do.”
We’ve listed some prayer requests on the side of this article to help you start. Or, you can download a PDF prayer calendar from DOOR.

(Photo courtesy of WNN)
Maybe God is leading you to send financial support. Click here to give through DOOR’s website.
“We have several more (2-by-2) teams that are getting ready to plant in the field. We would love people to come alongside those Deaf leaders and see them…reach their own people with the Gospel.”
One of the biggest hurdles in Deaf ministry, Myers adds, is Deaf awareness. Many people think Deaf communities know God because they live in areas that have written Scripture
“Deaf communities are the final frontier of the Great Commission. There’s such a great need. If God is pricking your heart — even right now — to come alongside these teams, let others know and let us know.”
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