Iran (MNN) — It’s not too surprising to hear that the government of Iran holds a high degree of control on the internet within the country. But do you know how this positively impacts the spread of the gospel?
In Iran, the government can not only limit or shut down the internet, but also track peoples’ use of it. Because of this, more and more Iranians are turning to satellite TV, which cannot be stopped or monitored.

(Photo courtesy of Transform Iran)
It’s a trend that ministries such as Transform Iran are making the most of for Christ.
“They’re not necessarily looking for Jesus at this point,” says Lana Silk with Transform Iran.
“They take to the satellite airwaves to find material from the West that they can listen to that is different to the rhetoric that they hear at home — and that is where we want them to find Jesus.”
There’s an interesting contrast here. In 2016, Iranian officials confiscated 100,000 satellite dishes, declaring that the corrupting influence of satellite TV led to marriage troubles, addiction and poor education for children.
Today, however, Transform Iran hears testimonies from people who were caught in those same struggles. But in these accounts, people on the brink of suicide, or trapped in addiction, depression or broken relationships discovered the help they needed.
“They find the message of Jesus through the TV, and it gives them hope, it gives them a better way, and then through that they can contact us — and we give them safe ways to do that. Then we can minister to them in-person and disciple them,” Silk says.
“We have really increased our investment into program creation, to make sure that we’re delivering fresh, current quality programs that the people of Iran will want to watch, will engage with and be blessed by.”
In addition to recently finishing a series on history, politics and heritage of Iran, they have also focused on children’s programming. Silk says that in Iran there are eight to 10 million children between the ages of five and 12. They are the future of Iran.

(Photo courtesy of Transform Iran)
“We would love you to pray for us for protection on all the people involved in the frontline producing these programs, because we see time and again, as people take offensive in spiritual battle, their health is attacked, their families are attacked,” Silk says.
There is also a practical way you can reach Iran with the gospel: by partnering to support their next programs.
“Our regular programming costs $800 for one 30-minute episode, $900 for children’s programs,” Silk says. “That’s everything from conception to production, to all the talent to recording, post production, editing. All in one, that’s $800-900 will get you a program.”
Click to learn more about Transform Iran’s ministry in radio, television and social media.
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of mojzagrebinfo/Pixabay.