Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — SAT-7 will soon launch their own on-demand streaming service, SAT-7 PLUS, enabling viewers to have even more access to relevant, hope-filled content.

(Photo courtesy of Bao Tran via Unsplash)
Joe Willey of SAT-7 explains the advantages of this new streaming service.
“This new platform will be able to reach more viewers than ever before. It also gives our SAT-7 audience an opportunity to download programs to watch offline,” Willey says.
SAT-7 reaches viewers in the Middle East and North Africa region with Gospel-oriented and culturally sensitive content. Since satellite television is very popular in these regions, it’s easy for many to take advantage of SAT-7’s content that way. However, streaming is gaining popularity.
“Anyone can benefit from the new service, but we know that there is a growing younger audience that will be particularly excited. As much as 30% of youth in the MENA region choose to watch television through on-demand streaming services. Much of that content truly isn’t positive or very helpful, so we want SAT-7 PLUS to bring hope, using the same kind of on-demand service that younger people are currently watching,” Willey says.
Other important features emphasize that SAT-7 developed this platform with its viewers in mind. The streaming will be available for a variety of bandwidths, including audio-only for the slowest speeds. Another important feature includes security protection, which is particularly important for viewers in sensitive locations.
How to Help
As SAT-7 launches SAT-7 PLUS, Willey asks for prayer.
“Pray that the users of SAT-7 PLUS would adopt this technology very quickly. We already know that streaming services are being used, so we want them to embrace SAT-7 PLUS,” Willey says. “The real purpose of that is for them to find Christian programming that not only encourages them but [helps them] share the love of Christ with other people.”
To learn more about SAT-7 and their upcoming streaming service, visit their website here.
Header image courtesy of Hannah Wei via Unsplash