SAT-7 program encourages isolated believers

By October 2, 2024

Middle East and North Africa (MNN) – For most in the West, reaching those in conflict zones with the Gospel isn’t possible. However, SAT-7, a Christian satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa uses their established presence to offer hope in the midst of pain and trauma.

Bringing Community to the Isolated

Dennis Wiens with SAT-7 says they recently launched a show called, You Are Not Alone.

Wiens says, “A lot of our viewers are isolated believers… We have 18-year-olds that have come to faith through watching the programs and they can’t even tell their folks they’re a Christian. There’s no church for them to go to. They’re isolated believers, and so we want to assure them that they are not alone.”

(Image courtesy of Jose Antonio Alba on Pixabay)

The program reaches people through two Arabic satellite TV channels covering North Africa and the Arabic-speaking Middle East. For instance, believers in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the Gulf, Egypt and more would all be able to tune in.

The goal of each program is to encourage people that there are other Christians standing with them throughout the region. Isolated believers are part of the larger Church. Even within their own countries there are other followers of Christ who face the same pressures and stresses.

“It’s been a tremendous encouragement for these isolated believers to know that they’re not alone, that the global church is interested, is praying for them and is aware of them,” Wiens says. “That’s such an encouragement to those that are really isolated by conflict and chaos.”

Personal Stories

Part of the show includes sharing stories of isolated believers. One woman came to faith through SAT-7, but was scared to tell her husband and family.

(Image courtesy of Engin Akyurt on Pixabay)

Wiens explains, “She asked her husband to take her on a shopping trip to Europe. She figured that if she told him in Europe and he divorced her, she’d be in Europe and she could apply for asylum. But a couple months later, they did take a trip to Europe, shopping trip, and she told him that she had become a Christian. His question was, ‘When did this happen?’

“And to her surprise, he didn’t get mad. She told him the story, and he says, ‘You know, I noticed when your life changed, and I’ve been watching you all these months. I want what you found.’”

This type of testimony not only showcases God’s radical ability to change hearts, but it offers encouragement to women in similar situations. In the middle of all the hurt and pain people living in conflict zones face, God is moving. People are coming to faith and the Church is growing.

Get Involved

Despite the many successes of the Gospel, believers are still living in isolation and facing the trauma of constant conflict. Wiens asks the Church to pray.

“Pray for those doing the programs; they’re looking in the into a camera lens and speaking to millions of people. Pray for the people receiving the message – that the Holy Spirit will work with His word, work in people’s hearts so people can see the hope of the Gospel in it, and they’ll have the strength, even in difficult situations, to trust what they’re hearing.”

If you want to help support SAT-7 programming, click here.

Image courtesy of Bananayota on Pixabay.

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