Lebanon (MNN) — SAT-7 ACADEMY has announced a new partnership with the ministry Heart For Lebanon. SAT-7 will bring the primary education program My School to Syrian refugee students. It’s all part of the goal to overcome poverty through education.
John Frick with SAT-7 says, “SAT-7 is providing four years’ worth of educational programming for the younger ages: kindergarten through third grade. Heart For Lebanon will implement this curriculum with kids who are just not able to go to any of the schools, even the ones Heart For Lebanon is putting together.”
Children attend the My School programs three days a week at Heart For Lebanon’s two centers in the Bekaa Valley and in Southern Lebanon. They primarily learn Arabic, English, and Math.
Changing lives through education
The program has already changed the trajectory of many children’s lives. Some lived in suspicion of teachers, even throwing rocks at them as they approached. Now they have hope for the future.
Education is so important for these kids, Frick says. That’s what fueled the partnership. “Conversations began probably six months, maybe a year ago about this. The question was: how can SAT-7 come alongside and serve or complement what Heart For Lebanon was doing on the ground? It came to this opportunity for SAT-7 to share programming.”
Pray this ministry will clearly display the love of Jesus for all people.
Pray also for the continuing financial and political crisis happening in Lebanon. Frick says, “And COVID-19 has piled on top of these other issues. There are a lot of people that are hurting. And the church continues to need prayers to be the light in a dark area. So pray for the church, pray for leadership, and pray that God’s name would be lifted up and be glorified.”
Header photo courtesy of SAT-7 USA.