SAT-7 PARS providing programming in Iran for coronavirus and beyond

By March 16, 2020

Iran (MNN) — As Iran deals with the coronavirus, SAT-7 is providing programming to help inform people and ease their fears about the disease.

SAT-7 PARS’ coronavirus programming in Iran focused on limiting stress and panic in people. One doctor talked about how to prevent the spread, while another assured people that the virus is not deadly to people not already suffering health problems. The show featured a live prayer for people dealing with the coronavirus.

Coronavirus section in Iranian hospital. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Iran’s government has faced criticism for the secretive way it has handled the coronavirus outbreak. In essence, SAT-7’s intends to inform people, pray for them, and help them not be panicked.

Read about similar SAT-7 coverage in Turkey here.

Getting involved with SAT-7 PARS

Want to get more engaged in what SAT-7 PARS is doing in Iran? Dennis Wiens says, “So we’ve launched Sponsor a Day, where a church can sponsor a whole day of broadcasts on the most viewed satellite over Iran and Afghanistan.”

Every Farsi-speaking church in Iran is a “closed church” or a house church, so most believers don’t meet in actual church buildings. “So we provide church services,” Wiens says. “We provide theological education in our seminary over-the-air programming. We provide discipleship, and there are  a lot of youth and children’s programs. There’s live programs, dramas, and a whole genre of programs for the whole family.”

Wiens says this programming is the only Christian resource that most people have in Iran. “Just as you would have a lot of teaching from your church that you attend, we can provide that same level of Christian resources, teaching, discipleship, encouragement, and prayer support. We can provide that through media.”

Pray for Christians in Iran

Pray that Jesus will aid his people in Iran. (Image courtesy of SAT-7 on Facebook)

Wiens encourages Christians to pray for their brothers and sisters in Iran. “And just pray for those Christians for boldness for what they’re going through. You know, we’re in a different environment here in the in the West. We don’t understand persecution, hostilities, and challenges that they’re going through. But pray for the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Pray for encouragement.”

And on top of the coronavirus, Wiens says don’t overlook the everyday difficulties Christians in Iran face. “They’re going through life as well. There’s high unemployment, there’s drug problems, broken families, and divorce. So just pray for the church, for families, for Christians, for leaders in the house churches.”

Pray for SAT-7 PARS too, says Wiens, as they develop programming that addresses these questions from a Christ-centered worldview.

To sponsor a day of SAT-7 PARS broadcasts, visit here.



Disinfecting bank in Iran. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

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