USA (SAT7) — The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is considering comprehensive tax reforms that will directly affect charitable giving– including "limiting the tax rate against which contributions may be deducted; a dollar cap on total itemized deductions; [and] a floor below which contributions may not be deducted."
The restrictions could be devastating for charities like SAT-7, which broadcasts Christian satellite television to over 15 million viewers in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as the ministry of ASSIST (Aid to Special Saints in Strategic Times).
On Thursday, Ruth Thomas, VP for Finance and Administration at SAT-7 USA, testified at a hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee in Washington, D.C. She discussed the far-reaching importance of charitable deductions, as well as the integrity and efficiency with which non-profits like SAT-7 operate.
In the hearing, Mrs. Thomas noted, "Non-profits have struggled since 2008 because of the Recession. To hamstring the public's generosity at this point would severely impact the good work of thousands of non-profits…. To change the law in such a way that limits the ability of non-profits to do good with well-established efficiency and effectiveness will mean that needs will go unmet, or must be addressed by more government spending, with less efficiency."
As a non-profit finance officer, she works with the President, Board of Directors, and International CFO to maintain a high level of transparency and accountability to SAT-7's donor base. Mrs. Thomas ensures that the internal workings of accounting, marketing, and development operations at SAT-7 are functioning properly. She has been with the organization for 10 years.
SAT-7 has achieved a 4-star rating with Charity Navigator© for the past 3 years, has had BBB© accreditation since 2011, and is a member in good standing with ECFA® since 1999.
"Please join us in praying for the wisdom and discernment of the House Ways and Means Committee members, as they consider possible reforms for charitable giving tax laws," said a spokesperson for SAT-7 USA.