‘My School’ set.
(Photo courtesy of SAT-7)
Middle East (MNN) — Being a kid can be hard. It’s made even harder when you’re surrounded by war and violence.
For kids in the Middle East, this is their reality. The sad part: they’re not just losing out on a childhood, they’re losing out on an education, too.
SAT-7, a Christian satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa, is trying to change this. Through its channel, SAT-7 KIDS, the organization has launched, My School.
My School is a program aimed to educate children wherever they’re living. It’s tailored to fit the needs of elementary school-aged kids whose educations have been interrupted, such as children of refugees and displaced families.
How it works
Parents can call a SAT-7 counseling center to join. The center then mails out a membership card, a gift, and a notebook for lessons. In refugee camps, ministry partners hand out the materials. Then it’s tuning into the program on a regular basis.
The program teaches basic math, Arabic, English, reading, writing, and other classes from a Christian perspective. Teachers on the program project a Christian worldview, sharing Christ’s love. For most kids, this is very different compared to the usually societal messages of obligation and duty.
Though the program originally began as an experiment, it’s now being viewed by nearly 9 million kids. The program not only offers an education, it also offers hope for a better life — one not filled with violence.

(Photo courtesy of SAT-7)
One mother, Maha, said, “I do not know how to thank you [SAT-7] for your amazing effort.… I’m in love with this program, My School. My daughter and I have been watching since Episode 1, and we didn’t skip any episode because it is more than amazing. Whatever I say, it won’t be enough for your amazing effort.”
Furthermore, parents tend to leave the channel tuned to SAT-7, influencing homes for Christ.
One viewer, Alaa, said, “I love SAT-7 KIDS so much. I’ve often heard about Jesus but began to know more about Him through your [SAT-7] channel. My TV is always switched to SAT-7 KIDS.”
You can be a part of SAT-7’s work, too! A donation of $50 can provide 50 kids with an education for a year. It also influences homes for Christ.
Please also pray for the protection and saving grace of these children and their families. Please also pray for SAT-7’s continued success as it educates children all across the Middle East.
To donate to My School, click here.
To learn more about SAT-7 KIDS click here.