USA (MNN) – Meet evangelist Sammy Tippit, founder and president of the international evangelistic organization Sammy Tippit Ministries. Today, he’s giving Mission Network News a glimpse into how the ministry is utilizing technology to evangelize, encourage, and disciple Christians across the world.
“First of all, our heart is to reach people for Christ. Secondly, to help them to grow in Christ, those who come to know Christ. Third to train leaders and to see revival among God’s people. To see a great move of God’s spirit and revival. We believe that God is doing something unique today in our world. The church is growing in unprecedented ways,” Tippit explains.
Sammy Tippit Ministries and You
Sammy Tippit Ministries is excited to be a part of what God is doing and to see Him at work. One of the easiest ways to catch the ministry in action and see how God is moving is to visit the ministry online. The ministry’s website is a cornucopia of discipleship resources, ideal for refreshing the soul or learning how to disciple others.
Tippit encourages visitors to jump in and consider starting a group using the materials the ministry provides. You could also use the resources for a current group, such as a Bible study or mentorship. Plus, these resources are available in multiple languages. Just Google “Sammy Tippit” and the language in question to find the appropriate webpage.
“But at the very top [of the webpage] you’ll see a little banner or a little box that says ‘view daily discipleship videos’. Every day, there is a brand-new devotion that will help a person to grow in Christ. And when you click on that…everyday it will come up new. It not only has a video devotion, but it has a text devotion. It has a scripture passage that goes with that, that will help people to really have a time alone with God,” Tippit says.
The daily discipleship and devotional videos are broken into four sections, each lasting 13 weeks. These sections include prayer, sharing your faith, how to grow in Christ, and family life.
Multiply Disciples Across the Map
Another goal of Sammy Tippit Ministries is to help multiply disciples through the resources it offers. To accomplish this, the ministry has 11 different Facebook pages. Each page is specific to a different language.
Tippit says Christians can use these previously mentioned devotional videos cross-culturally, too. For example, if a person travels internationally, he or she can share the ministry’s translated videos and resources with those he or she meets, then disciple those people even after returning home.
“Right now, [we’re] in the process of trying to help people. We have tens of thousands of followers, and all these languages that are following those pages. And we’re trying now to move them into small group discipleship groups, through communication tools like WhatsApp, and which is really exciting,” Tippit says.
Take Action Through Prayer
This ministry is on the verge of launching its largest outreach yet. Ask God to protect this ministry and resource it for His work. Pray this ministry will translate its various projects into its goal languages. Pray God would work supernaturally through the resources this ministry provides to disciple and deepen the faiths of His people.
Check out Sammy Tippit Ministries here.
To financially support this ministry, click here.
Header photo courtesy of Sammy Tippit Ministries via Facebook.