International (MNN) — For Sammy Tippit Ministries, the digital technology revolution changed everything.
Sammy Tippit says, “When we first started going over into Eastern Europe, into the communist countries, we would be totally out of contact with anyone in America, anyone in the West. We would have to send a letter. It would take a couple of weeks to get there, and then to get back.”
Today, Tippit can engage with Christians all over the world with the click of a button. One friend in India hasn’t seen him in person for years. But they talk to each other nearly every day.
That’s one reason the Sammy Tippit Discipleship App is launching in so many different languages. Tippit says, “If you know someone that you would like to disciple, or help them to make disciples, you can get the English app and they can get the app in their language. And you can go through the same materials together.”
Fearful of new technology
Sometimes, Christians can be wary of new technology or ideas. But Tippit says the pandemic shows churches and ministries don’t have that option.
Plus, technology can bring unprecedented new opportunities for ministry. Tippit says, “We don’t need to be afraid of it. Yes, I know there are dangers. And I know there’s a lot of darkness in the technology arena. However, that’s where Jesus would go.”
Tippit certainly has had negative experiences with large technology companies. Last year, one site began blocking his content. Read more here.
But Tippit hasn’t let this experience hinder the ministry. “A lot of people get angry, saying, ‘These big giants are going to take over. Hey, I had three or four years of getting the Gospel out before they blocked me. I’m excited about what I was able to do.”
Header photo courtesy of Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.