India (MNN) — A contact working with Vision Beyond Borders (VBB) is using a beauty salon to reach out to women and girls in a red-light district in India.
She is currently working to find housing for six girls from the red-light district between the ages of 6 and 12.
So far, she keeps coming up against road blocks because of the girls’ ages and lack of proper documents.
According to a 1998 report, children make up more than 40% of those trafficked into sex slavery in India.
Police estimate around 300,000 women and children have been trafficked in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Nearly double that number has been trafficked in the entire nation of India.
In the midst of the horrors these women and girls face, VBB’s contact is ministering the love and hope of Christ. Out of the eight women who visited the beauty salon last month, three were open to hearing the Gospel message. Two more women are thinking about trying to escape the brothels.
To protect children in the red-light district, VBB’s contact is trying to open a daycare center. Children in the district live in danger of being preyed on by traffickers, and a daycare center would take them off the streets.
Please pray for the contact to find housing for the waiting girls. Pray for women coming out of the brothels as they transition into a healthier life. Pray for the love of God to touch their hearts.
Click here to support VBB’s ministry in India’s red-light district.