Haiti (MNN) — The headlines may have disappeared. The camera crews may have left the scene. But after experiencing a tragic earthquake back in January, 2010, Haiti is still in desperate need.
For Haiti with Love (FHWL) has had a ministry on the northern coast of Haiti since 1968. And when the country experienced one of the most devastating catastrophes in its history, the organization had an enormous influx of donations and support. Now, in FHWL's latest Newsletter, they speak of their current struggles and Haiti's need for aid and support now more than before.
After the earthquake last year, FHWL was blessed to receive a flood of donations from 777 contributors who were touched by the plight of the Haitians. For Haiti was able to expand Food Program, treat the several hundred injuries of those affected by the earthquake, and take in children who suddenly found themselves orphaned.
Now, FHWL reports a drastic loss in monetary support with only 287 contributors for this current year–just over one-third of their earlier contributors.
According to Newsweek's "The Daily Beast," Americans donated $600 million to relief efforts in Haiti within the first three weeks of the crisis. But research shows that within the first six months of any catastrophe, compassion-prompted funding dwindles to miniscule amounts that are barely worth tracking anymore.
Such was the trend after Haiti's earthquake, and the drop in funding has taken its toll on FHWL's ministry. They have had to cut back on their Food Program, and because of complications with government regulations, many of their food shipments are currently trapped for processing in Port-au-Prince. FHWL relies heavily on donations, but they have nearly twice as many mouths to feed and half the funding. They have had to stretch their means and try to focus on giving what food they have to those with the most needs such as the disabled or elderly with children to feed.
And the needs don't end there. FHWL's headquarters in Bel-Air is in need of upkeep and repair, but it has been neglected because of more desperate needs. For Haiti hopes now to start repair projects, but this means they will need $15,000 just for the first half of the process alone. With this first stage, they hope to "remove the ceiling and roof that is water damaged, add a row of block to raise the ceiling to a proper level, and replace the roof," according to their newsletter.
FHWL says, "We realize that the reasons for the drop in support are varied and complex, but our focus right now: Prayer for guidance, ways to increase the receipts, and how best to serve the poor on the blessings we receive."
Continuing to serve with a positive attitude while in dire need of more support and funding, FHWL covets not only your donations, but also your prayers. If you would like to contribute to this fantastic ministry, you can visit their Web site at www.forhaitiwithlove.org and find the "Make a Donation" link on the side.