China (MNN) — It’s obvious that in order to reach people with the Gospel, it should be given in their language. But what if the Gospel is presented initially through story?
At the very least, a story portraying the Gospel message will get people’s attention.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries has been broadcasting the five minute radio segment A Word With You for many years. But for about a year now, through their partnership with Trans World Radio, the ministry has been reaching China through a Mandarin translation of the program.
Ron Hutchcraft says, “We are so grateful in partnership with Transform Radio to be able to do that in Mandarin now.”
The massive population of China accounts for one out of every five people on this earth. Mandarin is the largest language group in the world.
Hutchcraft says, “If anybody’s ever heard A Word With You, you know it’s a storytelling program. I always start with a story. And it’s interesting that we’ve been told that China is a storytelling culture. And as we’re getting mail back, that’s what we’re hearing: ‘I will tell my lost friends about this because you tell stories’.”
A Word With You is the right length and approach to present the Gospel call to youth and people in their early 20s. Hutchcraft says, “A lot of Christian people are saying, ‘I’m sending my lost people to this program because this is the kind of thing I want them to hear.'”
There is a great need for the Gospel all around the world. Hutchcraft is adamant that it becomes our fervent goal to reach the lost. He says of RHM, “We’re pretty consistent in making sure that many of our programs actually are meant to lead people to Christ in creative ways, in non-religious language, but the Gospel is all there.”
These creative approaches include radio, internet, and video.
“We are living in a time where you can viralize any message,” Hutchcraft explains. He urges us to viralize the Bible and not the evil things of this world.
The reception of the Mandarin A Word With You is uplifting. “It also is encouraging God’s people to be rescuers of the people around them– God’s people across China.”
You can help this rescue by giving here. You can also partner with RHM through prayer.
Hutchcraft says, “I think our prayer needs to be that people will find it, which is always true, wherever the Gospel is presented. Let’s pray that God will bring the lost to where the Gospel is, and through that, bring them to the cross.”
Hi, I’m encouraged to hear about the Mandarin version of A Word with You. I work in China. Can you tell me more about this? I want to know how to tune in to this program, both so I can learn how to tell stories better in Mandarin myself and as a resource for others.
Thanks for serving China.
In Christ,
Ms. Magnus