Romania (MNN)–Coming from a dark Communist time, the Romanian church has seen revival and astonishing growth.
It is now at an important moment in its history. As a light in Eastern Europe, the church is now ready for the next stage of growth.
Evangelist Sammy Tippit is headed for Romania this weekend to teach a unique training series. “Now, we’re going back for a conference to really give a vision and try to implement a movement of Romanians going to other nations in Eastern Europe and then being a mighty missions-sending force.”
The conference runs from September 20-23rd. Shortly after that, Tippit will be holding an evangelistic meeting beginning on Sept 30 and wrapping up October 2nd.
The time is right for such a program launch. Romania’s church continues to grow and be one of the most vital Evangelical communities in Europe.
Tippit explains they’re going to need help as they look at new ministry. “The Romanian church is rich in spirit, and poor, materially. As these guys get a vision for doing what we’re challenging them to do, resourcing is going to be a great challenge.”
A typical salary for a ‘bi-vocational’ lay leader runs around $13 a day. Teaching materials can be quite costly in comparison. Remember to pray for the new Christian leadership that are being trained in the country, and their needs.