Honduras (MNN) — A dialogue is underway today in Costa Rica
between contesting Honduran leaders. At
issue is the legality of the presidential ouster and who is actually the head
of state.
A strategically planned removal of President Manuel Zelaya
put Roberto Micheletti in the role of caretaker of the interim government. When that government refused to reinstate
Zelaya, the Organization of American States suspended Honduras.
In the meantime, there has been nine days of protests, night curfews and media blackouts. Scott
VanderKooy with Worldwide Christian Schools says the protests have settled, but
"there seems to be a general tenseness in the
populace, even though our schools right now are on break. There's great concern
amongst the school leadership and the teachers over what's going to happen
The uncertainty has taken its toll on work that was to be
done during break. Summer is one of the busiest times for their HANDS teams to
get work done on the school buildings.
"For the time being, we have diverted the short-term mission trips
to other countries until we have a better understanding of how the leadership
change is going to affect the projects," says VanderKooy.
The WWCS team works through indigenous leadership to run
Christ-centered schools in the area. "Steve Geurink, one of
our field directors, is down there right now trying to understand if and how
the leadership change on the governmental level affects our work there," says VanderKooy. "No matter how it is affected, we'll
certainly respond and act accordingly."
Already, some of the schools have faced cutbacks because of
the rise in the minimum wage increase. Budget deficits created by the wage hike threatened to derail ministry
growth. One way to help stabilize the
schools is through sponsorships.
It costs one sponsor less than a
dollar a day to ensure that there is one more child in school. Geurink says it
costs roughly $25 a month. WWCS is working with the following schools:
El Verbo Christian School in Tegucigalpa
Emanuel Christian School in Juticalpa
John Calvin Christian School in San Jose de
la Vega
Juan Calvino Christian School in Choluteca
Luz y Verdad Christian School in Catacamas
Pray for the stability of Honduras and for the work of WWCS among their students.