India (MNN)–Unusual ringback tones are taking India by storm…the more personalized, the better.
This is where Audio Scripture Ministries gets involved. ASM’s Tom Dudenhofer says they have an opportunity to produce recorded Scripture passages for use as “ringback tones” in India. “We found that in a lot of areas where people do face persecution, they’re able to continue to make personal stands like this where they simply say, ‘well, when anybody calls me, they’re going to hear this particular verse, or this particular Scripture passage.’ They do it as a public testimony.”
A company in India contacted ASM’s India partner and requested permission to make the Scripture recordings available to customers.
Dudenhofer says he’s produced nearly four dozen ringback tones for immediate use in Hindi and Tamil, but also: “We were contacted because not only do they need them in the local languages, but India is working very hard to teach all of it’s people to speak English. So scripture passages in English happen to be very popular.”
Plans are in the works for production of these ringback tones in several other well-known Indian languages. Ask God to prepare hearts as His Word is used in this unusual way.