Revival the focus of church leaders at “The Cove”

By April 23, 2004

USA (MNN) — Revival and spiritual renewal was the focus of a special conference held over the last couple of days in the United States. Pastors from around the world met for the “Heartcry for Revival” conference, which is held every other year. It’s coordinated by Life Action Revival Ministries, an organization dedicated to seeing revival come to the United States.

The conference ended today at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in North Carolina. One of the speakers at the event was Doctor Henry Blackaby, the author of “Experiencing God.” He says, “Most all the people come to this kind of a conference with a cry in their heart for God. This kind of a conference creates the atmosphere in which they believe God could clearly speak to them and that they could come with one kind of a burden and go away free. That’s certainly happening.”

However, Blackaby is concerned that revival isn’t taking place in the United States. He says that is a hindrance to evangelism. “The evangelism we’ve been doing so far has been real, but it certainly has not been adequate, because the nation has come to such a critical moment as it has with the evangelism we’ve been doing,” says Blackaby. He continues, “So, if there’s to be a turnaround in the nation and if evangelism is to have a part in changing men’s hearts and lives, it’s going to have to be done with a much broader, more extensive touch of God. Revival always releases a magnitude of the presence of God that can turn a nation around.”

Can that happen without prayer? Blackaby doesn’t think so. “Because, it changes us in a direction God wants to go. And, when we do that then God has a person or a group through which he can now work mightily in revival,” says Blackaby. He says, however, that prayer needs to be specific.

Tapes of the “Heart Cry For Revival” are available on line at The messages include Henry Blackaby, Jim Cymbala, Erwin Lutzer, Nancy Leigh DeMoss and others.

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