India (MNN) — Research is confirming the Gospel’s transformative power. A pilot study from Georgetown University shows how becoming a Christian is helping India’s Dalit women overcome poverty.
“Conversion actually helps launch women on a virtuous circle,” Rebecca Samuel Shah told the National Catholic Register in recent days.
Shah is a research fellow at Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. She conducted a pilot study examining the impact of faith conversions on hundreds of Dalit women in Bangalore, India.
Although the tide is certainly shifting, women are typically viewed as second-class citizens in India’s patriarchal society. Dalits, or “Untouchables,” are the lowest-ranked caste, making Dalit women truly the least of the least.
But according to Shah, following Christ offers Dalit women “a radically different way of seeing themselves: seeing themselves as a new creation, a new identity, made in the image of God, seeing a better life for themselves.”
At the same time, a recent national report shows Dalit literacy rates are on the rise. A census official told The New Indian Express that the literacy rate among Scheduled Caste (Dalit) women has risen 11%.
Spiritual changes through salvation in Christ, as well as educational changes through literacy training, are both needed for a life to be completely transformed. Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India pairs the two in their Adult Literacy Classes.
A year of volunteer-led, biblically-based training empowers women with a fifth-grade education in reading, writing, and math. Most importantly, women learn about Jesus Christ and His salvation. Many graduates start their own home-based businesses through the education and business training they receive through this course.
$30 provides an entire year of life-changing education to the “least of these.”
Pray that more Dalits will find freedom and hope through Christ.
Have you considered how orality training can enhance your literacy programs? You might visit http://www.orality.net and/or http://www.water.cc/orality.
Blessings on you and all your good work in India.
In Christ,
Jerry Wiles