Sri Lanka (MNN)–Sri Lanka’s main opposition party is in disarray, threatening an already fragile peace accord. The political turmoil is punctuated by a fresh offensive in the form of government air strikes and skirmishes against the Tamil Tigers.
The fighting threatens to collapse a landmark deal between the country’s ruling party and main Opposition. The two sides have, so far, failed to hammer out a political solution to the ethnic problem.
Bible League’s David Moore says the situation is having an impact on the ministry efforts of their workers. “Although communication is still good, they’re able to communicate through email and over the phone, he said that getting materials, getting Bible study books to him is impossible, getting Bibles, getting Scriptures to him is impossible. He said food is running low, security is very bad, but he’s not discouraged.”
An active curfew adds to ministry challenge, says their worker. “There isn’t a steady flow of transport due to the lack of fuels, and our ministerial work must be completed by 6 p.m. due to curfew–we are forced to be at home by that time.” Moore says that hasn’t stopped people from responding to the Gospel.
Christians in this region are making a difference as they help disciple seekers and new beleivers. That is evidenced by the latest reports, Moore says. “Just this month, as a matter of fact, I did an estimate as to last year at this same time. We have about a 150-percent increase of people completing Bible studies right now than we did this time last year.”
Bible League has had active ministry in Sri Lanka since 2003, but needs prayer support as well as financial help to see this budding ministry through to fruition. Click here if you want to help.