USA (MNN) — Religious freedom is being affirmed in the United States. The Michigan House has approved the Michigan Religious Freedom Restoration Act on a 59-50 party-line vote and now moves on to the State Senate for consideration.
The legislation is being supported by Christian leaders throughout the state, including Bill Blacquiere, President of Bethany Christian Services. “This has awakened what I would call the whole cultural and political debate between religious freedom and some groups of people who would say this will discriminate against us.”
According to Blacquiere, this bill will provide “protection of our religious freedom and our strongly-held religious beliefs. What it would do is allow a faith-based organization like Bethany to continue hiring staff of our same faith.”
It’s more than that. They want to make sure they’re protecting and enhancing the lives of children. So, placing children with Christian families is important, too. “We don’t do that because we think that makes them Christian. We do that because we know that Christian families care about orphans and vulnerable children and they want to place them. It may be…that the child would choose to become a Christian; we pray that every child would.”
Opponents say these rights would allow for legal discrimination. Blacquiere disagrees. “As a Christian, we would not want to see anyone not receive medical treatment, or any type of service. I just don’t think that will happen. In this bill, the intent is not to allow for discrimination. It’s really the reverse: to protect religious freedom.”
19 other states have similar legislation on the books. The Republican-led Senate is expected to approve the measure, but it’s uncertain if Governor Rick Snyder will sign the bill.
When you support Bethany Christian Services, you’re helping ensure even more children are placed in Christian homes. Click here to support their work.
If the governor refused to sign, a way should be find out to kick him out
I’m so glad to see legislation like this. We all need to support this. It will help to stop the erosion of our Constitution.
This is so important, and not just for Chrstians, but for all people who have convictions of faith.
This Bill will allow for the discrimination and mistreatment of non-Christian folks, and for someone to say “As a Christian, we would not want to see anyone not receive medical treatment, or any type of service. I just don’t think that will happen. In this bill, the intent is not to allow for discrimination. It’s really the reverse: to protect religious freedom,” first,That statement is an insult to everyone’s intelligence. Never in the history of American has Christianity been discriminated against (quite the opposite actually) second implying that Christians can not possible discriminate and hold hatred towards different groups is laughable. The Christian religions has stated many wars against non-christians in this day in time. This bill is unconstitutional and step back for tolerances. AND for the haters I am a Christian woman, my granddaddy (A pastor) taught me everything I know about the privileges Christianity gives you in America.