Refugee ministry in Türkiye is both necessary and strategic

By August 16, 2024

Türkiye (MNN) — Gospel ministry to refugees in Türkiye is not only necessary, but strategic for one major reason.

Joe Willey with SAT-7 says, “Türkiye has the most refugees of any country — it is 3.6 million refugees. Most of them are from Syria, but there are 60,000 or more from Iran.”

SAT-7 is a satellite television broadcast ministry to the Middle East and North Africa. The SAT-7 PARS talk show New Identity recently featured Mohsen and Samira, a Christian couple in Türkiye who lead a church serving Iranians and Afghans.

(Photo courtesy of SAT-7 PARS)

The couple says the asylum seekers and refugees they reach in Türkiye are plagued by hopelessness.

Willey explains, “There is such desperation, there is such discouragement, there’s despair, and yet they’re welcoming them and saying, ‘You know what? There is ultimately hope in Jesus Christ.’”

Learn more about SAT-7 PARS Gospel broadcast ministry to Farsi-speakers here!

For the overwhelming numbers of asylum seekers and refugees in Türkiye, ask God to fill them with His peace through Scripture.

Refugee ministry is also spiritually taxing on the Christian workers. Pray for them to be encouraged.

Willey says, “Wouldn’t it be interesting if — just like Joseph tells his brothers, ‘What you’ve meant for evil, God meant for good’ — so instead of a crisis, what we ended up having are people who are hearing the Gospel.

“They are traveling throughout the world and instead of something dark, instead of something desperate, there are some people that are trying to help. What happens is the seeds of the Gospel are planted, and it changes the world.”




Header photo of Antalya, Türkiye. (Photo courtesy of Samura Silva/Unsplash)

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