Sudan (MNN) — This week, Africa Inland Missionaries to Sudan got the
green light to return to Sudan following the referendum vote.
The vote took
place in early January to determine if the nation will remain united or divide
North and South.
The referendum was a critical part
of a 2005 peace agreement that ended civil war in Sudan.
Predictions are that over 95% have voted for separation from North
Sudan. Preliminary results of the vote
will come out in the next few days, with final results on February 14.
If the results go as expected, South Sudan will not officially
become a new nation until July 9, 2011. It's a decision that puts the country at a crossroads, although the
success will be determined by how post-election reforms are implemented, like border issues and oil revenue. Missionaries to the region say the
country and its leaders need continued prayer as they work at creating a new
African Nation.
Team member Phil Byler writes in his blog that the international crisis
across the Middle East triggered by the Tunisia uprising has had an unintended
impact. Khartoum's political clout
against the south has been weakened at a critical moment of separation.
AIM has had a presence
in the South since 1949 and experienced the ebb and flow of the nation's
growing pains.
With the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005
the door was opened wider and there are presently over 20 AIM workers, short
and full term in South Sudan.
Their team now provides a diverse menu of skills and ministries in
South Sudan including nursery, primary, and secondary education, health,
literacy in mother tongue, leadership development, theological education, and
church planting.
Please uphold Sudan in prayer as official
results are made known in mid-February. (Click Here for Referendum Prayer