International (MNN) — The past year for Keys for Kids Ministries has been eventful, to say the least. They’ve changed their name from CBH Ministries, adjusted their radio to a 24/7 program, and even gone international, developing an app for Chinese Sunday schools and translating their radio station into Albanian.
It’s not over, either. They’re working hard right now to raise enough funds to translate material into Nepali, Greek, and Macedonian. “As these requests [for translated materials] kept coming in, we thought ‘we just need to give this material to the countries that really need it because they can’t afford to buy or purchase it, and it’s such a valuable resource,’” says Terre Ritchie, Executive Director of Keys for Kids Ministries.
Meanwhile, this year in the U.S., a new program called Red Rock Ministries has taken the place of Down Gilead’s Lane.
The new stories revolve around a mom and her two teenagers as they cope with a father and husband who abandoned them. The series has 5 seasons so far. “Right now we’re in the process of writing, producing, recording, editing, all the things that have to happen so that we can produce series six of the Red Rock Mysteries coming up in the fall,” says Ritchie.
However, despite growing support for the program, Keys for Kids needs help gathering the $50,000 that will make Series 6 possible.
A few people are trying to support the program. “We got a large gift to our ministry, and we decided to put some of that toward the production of it. So we’ve got probably around $15,000 right now toward that $50,000.”
This donor’s support is greatly appreciated, but “we do need more to come in so we can continue producing content for our online radio station and for radio stations to carry our program.”
Ritchie reminds potential supporters that “We’re a children’s ministry. Children don’t have a way to send in money, but their parents do.
“We need and want and so desire to help kids grow spiritually,” and you can help make that possible.
Pray for the ministry as it expands its horizons internationally while continuing well-loved programs like the Red Rock Mysteries, all with the goal of touching the lives of the youngest members of the kingdom of God.