Central African Republic (MNN) — Looters and armed gangs are roaming the street of Bangui, Central African Republic after rebels seized control of the capital when the president fled the country.
Phil Byler with African Inland Mission (AIM) says they had plans to send missionaries in to reach the Mbaroro unreached peoples. “We actually had recruited a team leader couple and members and had plans to put them there next year, 2014. So this coup really raises problems for us. Actually two weeks from today, a group of us are flying to meet with our church leadership there about this team.” says Byler.
According to Byler, this recent unrest has affected their national staff. “The same rebel group that took over the capital was in their area a week and a half ago and created a lot of havoc. So, our church people fled to the bush.” They are safe now. However, church leaders in another area, “some of them were affected severely last week.”
What’s going to happen? Byler isn’t sure. “To some extent it’s anybody’s guess, but it seems that the president, by fleeing the country, has given up and so now the new rebel group will select a new president and start a new regime.”
Byler isn’t hearing good things about the new rebels. “We do hear that this rebel group has some Marxist and Islamic leanings, so we’re a bit fearful that the anti-Christian aspect of this may dominate.”
Pray that the church leaders will be bold in their witness. Support AIM’s work here.