Afghanistan (MNN) — The war on
terror seems to be shifting from Iran to Afghanistan. The Afghan defense minister says the increased
flow of insurgents from outside Afghanistan had contributed to the heightened
intensity of the fighting.
He appeared to be referencing
neighboring countries where Islamic militants with bases in tribal areas along
the border have intensified their operations in support of the insurgency in
Christians have felt the brunt. Tom Doyle with E3 Partners recently returned from
Afghanistan where he spoke with church partners. "Everything has just been ratcheted up
in Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. I just believe that Satan has done this. These are different groups that are persecuting the Christians, but it's
all coming at one time, so it's pretty intense right now."
Members of the Afghanistan
Islamic Council had warned President Hamid Karzai not to allow foreign missions
into the country. According to Voice of the Martyrs' Canada, the
council claimed that missionaries in Kabul and in the provinces were forcibly
converting Muslims, enticing them by giving them Bibles and promising to send
them abroad.
The Islamic scholars warned of
serious consequences if the government did not stop Christians from preaching
and evangelizing.
Despite the risk to personal
safety, Doyle says their national director continues to move forward with
evangelism. "He's leading Muslims
to Christ in Afghanistan right now. The
numbers are quite large, and they're going into the villages and seeing people
very open to the Gospel of Christ."
They now need those who are
mature enough to disciple. Doyle says
the Christians in Iraq "never ask us to pray that persecution will
stop, although we do; but they ask us to pray for more leaders. 'We need more
quality leaders to help with the harvest.'"
Ask God to thwart the attempts of
those who seek to hinder His work in Afghanistan and Algeria. Pray that His
servants in these countries will be emboldened to carry on their service to
Christ wherever God leads them.