Yemen (MNN) — Yemen is one of the hardest places in the world for anyone to hear about Jesus, and yet the Holy Spirit is moving amid war and famine. Believers we cannot name for security purposes say more than 160 people have turned to Christ each year for the past five years.
Leaving Islam is a crime punishable by death in Yemen, and even owning a Bible is dangerous. Thankfully, more and more Yemenis are gaining access to Christian media in their own dialects.
The Lord is using media platforms to make His saving truth known.
One man learned about Jesus through social media and YouTube when he escaped to another country. Other people find Christ through the radio.
Yemeni Christian hosts recently heard this from a Yemeni listener:
“I’ve been listening to the program for more than four years, and I’ve been struggling with my beliefs and my traditions. It was a long journey, but I realized I was changing. I started to see things from different perspectives and I saw the real meaning of my life through Jesus Christ. I’m so thankful that I’m part of His family now.”
Another man following the same program also contacted one of the hosts and said the issues they discussed helped him to change his perspective toward women. He said he realized they are equally valuable and deserve as much respect as men. Yemen ranks last out of 146 countries for Women’s Rights, according to a survey from the World Economic Forum.
One young man was surrounded by peers telling him to just accept Islam as the true religion without question. However, he didn’t surrender to their influence and kept researching. His soul grew tired over time as he kept searching for the truth, until one day he listened to a person sharing about Christ on social media. His spirit began to find rest, and he was drawn to believe in Jesus as Lord.
Later, this young man’s new beliefs were discovered, and he was subjected to physical and psychological torture. Although he lost his entire family and community because they now view him as an infidel, he is now connected to the Body of Christ. Yemeni believers continue to encourage him and follow up with him.
Prayer points:
- Ask God to inspire the media teams to boldly and clearly proclaim the Gospel through media production, social media outreach, and online follow-up, despite both spiritual and physical opposition and danger.
- Pray for God’s truth and grace to be presented effectively to Yemenis through media.
- Thank God for continuing to provide new men and women to serve on the social media teams. Pray for them as they begin to learn their new roles. Ask God to encourage them daily.
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Warren Wong/Unsplash.