International (MNN) – This year marks the beginning of a new decade. How are we reaching the world for Christ?
e3 Partners has a goal to reach the world with God’s love. As we enter 2020, e3 has a plan for the next few years to increase the pace in which they share the Gospel.
Jeff Johnston from e3 says, “We want to get more long-term missionaries out on the field. We want to take more short-term trips… and we want to raise up more evangelists here in the States as well.”
Reaching the World in 2020

(Photo courtesy of e3 Partners.)
e3 works to plant and support churches around the world. They do this by hosting evangelism trainings, mission trips, and partnering with churches to help share God’s Word with as many people as possible.
By 2025, they hope to have planted 1 million churches around the world.
Johnston says, “Our vision all along is for there to be a local church accessible to every person everywhere on earth…. We just believe that the local church is the vehicle through which God will reach the entire world.”
One way to reach the world is by sharing the Gospel locally. Johnston says e3 offers special training to churches and small groups to equip them to share the Gospel in their communities.
This training, called 4 fields training, focuses on the four fields of Jesus’ strategy to evangelize and disciple. It provides training to help believers share the Gospel no matter where they are.
Click here for more information on e3 training.
e3 also hosts mission trips all over the world.
Johnston says, “We would love for you to come with us as we go to these different places around the world and share the hope and love of Christ with people that may or may not have ever heard the name of Jesus before.”
e3 hosts short-term mission trips each month to help plant and support churches in countries around the globe. Click here to see a list of upcoming trips and more ways to get involved with mission trips!
Helping e3 Share God’s Word

(Photo courtesy of e3 Partners.)
Two of the simplest ways to help is through donations and prayer.
Johnston says, “It costs about $13 for us to train someone on how to share the Gospel, plant churches and disciple others.” Click here to donate to e3!
“So as simple as donating $13 should help spark a movement of the Gospel somewhere else across the world or even somewhere here in the United States,” he adds.
e3 also asks for prayer as they begin 2020. Johnston explains that at 10:02 AM each morning, e3 prays a prayer based on Luke 10:2. *
Johnston says, “We set alarms in our phones so that we will pray for God to raise more laborers for the harvest.”
Join e3 in praying that more people will hear God’s Word and that more people would step into the harvest field this year to spread God’s Word to those who have not heard it.
“God has invited us as Christians, as His ambassadors to be a part of His work. I think it would be a mistake for us not to do everything we can to get involved,” Johnston says.
*Luke 10:2, “He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (NIV)
Header photo courtesy of e3 Partners.