London (MNN) — Although London may already have many churches and pastors within its limits, the raw diversity of the city with 7.6 million people means the need for evangelism is endless. Back in 2006, EFCA's ReachGlobal identified London as a key ministry focus need. It took another two years for Matt and Kimberly Davis to get on track toward becoming the first long-term missionary family with ReachGlobal.
Now, all the Davis' prayer and hard work finally has them moving to London. Matt Davis will be the City Team Leader for EFCA where his job will be to recruit, train, and lead a team of future missionaries in London. He will also be forming strategic partnerships with churches in London that will advance church planting.
The road to starting in on their ministry has been long. The Davis' needed to raise 100% of all their funding before they could go to London. This meant raising $150,000 just for their first year alone. That amount covers ministry expenses, salary, rent, health insurance, retirement, and EFCA administrative expenses.
EFCA ReachGlobal sends out missionaries throughout Europe to focus on evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in unevangelized areas. For areas where the church already has a footing, missionaries go to come alongside church leaders and bring additional programs into the Christian community.
Pastors in United Kingdom have expressed that missionaries to their country are greatly appreciated. The Davis' write, "After speaking to many pastors who have ministered to Londoners for years, as long as missionaries are humble and willing to partner with the local evangelical church, there are tremendous opportunities for ministry."
Ultimately, ReachGlobal wants to see a changed Europe that has a passion for Christ. Europe has fallen into an extremely post-modern worldview. The overall spiritual climate is one of apathy and disbelief in the supernatural is prevalent.
With the Davis' and their three children moving to London, EFCA hopes a new area of ministry will be started. In this way, they hope to advance in God's calling to make disciples of all nations. And what better way to reach all the nations for Christ than in the city where the most diverse group of people is located?
The Davis family will live within the London city limits. This will give them a closer proximity to the very people they are working to reach. Because they do not plan on owning a car, they also need to be close to the public transportation system.
Please pray for the Davis' as they have a continued need for funding, even with their move to London. Pray that their ministry would be effective and that the name of Christ would be proclaimed. To check out the family and their ministry, you can click here.