Rwanda (MNN)–In 1994, it took only 100 days to see over one-tenth of the population wiped out during Rwanda’s ‘ethnic cleansing.’
Today, the country continues to grapple with its painful past and resolve the tensions between the Tutsis and the Hutus. Aside from dealing with the criminal issue of the genocide, there are many who are looking at new beginnings.
Book of Hope’s Rob Hoskins says they’re planning a massive distribution this year, aimed at the ultimate reconciliation.
The Book of Hope is a harmony of the Gospels for kids. It’s not a coincidence that the major initiative is called ‘100 Days of Hope.’ The project launch is timed to coincide with the 100 days of genocide. “What an opportunity for us to come back 12 years later, and, instead of memorializing a million people dying, what we’re doing is, we’re saying that, ‘There’s hope for a new generation.'”
Hoskins says the government approached them and asked if they would bring their resources. It’s a step in the right direction–a new day, and ‘…that hope is found in the Gospels. So, over a 100-day period of time, over two million Rwandan children and youth in Rwanda will receive the Word of God.”
However, Hoskins asks prayer for the project because: “There is opposition from the Muslim minority in the nation. They’ve busted into churches, Muslim police–they’re trying to confiscate our sound equipment and different things that we need for the distribution, so there’s still a great deal of spiritual warfare that will be taking place. The enemy does not want to see us accomplish this great kingdom plan.”
Training for the project begins this month. BOH is sending in nine Affect Destiny Short-term Teams. They begin arriving in Rwanda April 21. The last team wraps up distribution efforts July 17th. If you would like to be part of one of their short-term teams, click on “Go on a Trip” to search for Book of Hope Affect Destiny trips.