USA (MNN) — You wouldn't think $25 could have much of an impact on a child, much less an entire family. But that's exactly what can happen when you get involved with Russian Ministries Project Hope.
President of Russian Ministries Sergey Rakhuba says, "Project Hope empowers the evangelical church in Russia to provide resources, so that they will be able to pack Gifts of Hope and deliver them to needy children at Russian Christmas time in December and January."
Since it's nearly impossible to ship gift boxes into Russia for Christmas, Russian Ministries is sending money into the region so the local churches can buy the supplies. The money prints the boxes, buys the gifts, and furnishes a Bible or Bible Story book.
Rakhuba says these boxes will be delivered to difficult places such as the "Northern Caucuses that's predominately influenced by the neighboring Islamic countries, or arctic Siberia, or areas where Buddhism is spreading in Eastern Siberia in Buryatiya, Kalmykia, and other provinces."
While the gifts are important, they're only a tool to the most important gift — God's Word. "We print a Children's Bible that will go together with a gift to a needy child. And then, young people — we call them Next Generation Church Leaders — will be reaching out to the most needy children in orphanages, poor families, and street kids."
Your $25 gift does more than provide for one child. Rakhuba says it's added leverage into entire communities. "It helps them to open the doors into the institutions like orphanages, schools, and other places, and helps them reach out to needy families — single moms or poor families."
As children receive these gifts, not only are they hearing the Gospel, but so are the parents and other adults in the family.
Russian Ministries wants to provide 50,000 Christmas gifts this year. Your gift of $100 will touch four families. Click here to get involved.