Honduras (MNN) — A Worldwide Christian School
partner was in desperate need of a new roof in Catacamas,
Three HANDS Mission teams,
working under the WCS umbrella have been working since mid-January to rebuild
the old clay and wooden roof of Escuela Luz Y Verdad Light and Truth Christian
The school building is 222 feet long and 29 feet wide,
consisting of 10 rooms and 2 washrooms, serving 100 to 150 students at present.
They're working to have the Light and Truth
Christian School re-opened by February 12.
Ontario, Canada sent the first HANDS Mission
team to pour a concrete bond beam around the top of the wall of the entire
structure to strengthen the building and provide a surface for the new
roof. The second team hailed from DeMotte, Indiana.
They began their phase of the project January 17 with the end goal of
finishing their part by the end of the month. The Holland,
Michigan team arrived to do electrical
wiring, windows, doors, and painting.
It's a boost for Escuela Luz Y Verdad, which has seen several leadership changes and
the teachers have struggled to maintain a school that suffered over the years
from inconsistent local support and finances.
With little
enough budget for day-to-day operation, the building itself began to show its
age. The adobe clay tiles were crumbling, leaving holes in the
roof where rain and sun streamed through into the classrooms.
The repairs reinforce the school's mission. Because of the poverty, a high quality
education is an impossible dream. Sixty-eight
percent of Honduran families are poor, mainly in rural and surrounding areas. WCS
and its field partners share the goal of providing Christian education to all
who desire it, regardless of financial circumstances.
By doing so, they're
enabling the teaching staff to continue to minister to the children in the
community through a Christian education. Click here if you want more information on either supporting the school, or participating on a HANDS team.