Central America (MNN) — It's been two weeks of torrential downpour for Central America.
The death toll continues to rise as more and more victims are found in the wreckage of severe weather. The last counts indicate that over 100 have died.
In El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras, many people were swept away by raging flood waters and drowned. Thousands of homes have been destroyed through mudslides and flooding. Approximately 700,000 people have been displaced.
Dozens of Compassion International-sponsored children have been affected. Orphan Outreach suffered when a mission team got caught up in the storm. And Operation Mobilization hasn't been spared.
OM descrives the region as "left in tragedy." The inaccessibility of the area has left many communities cut off without any emergency aid.
OM is desperate to help the victims of the flood, "But right now, there's no way to get to the area," says Pilar Castro, OM Guatemala leader. "It would be great if we could get some basic food supplies and clothes to those left without a home. But it's still raining and is very dangerous to travel. The only way to help people out is by air."
The heavy storms that hit Guatemala were less damaging than these rains, Pilar says. But even still, "There is so much sadness and pain. We're praying a lot, and we'd appreciate it if you would pray with us."
As there is currently no way to get aid to the people, prayer is the most vital piece of the tragic puzzle right now. Pray for the people affected by the torrential rains in Central America. Pray that it will stop raining and that emergency aid may get to the isolated areas soon. During this limbo period, as well as when aid does get out, pray that OM workers would find ways to share Christ's peace with those suffering around them.
If you'd like to get more information on opportunities to help through OM, please contact OM Guatemala through [email protected].