“Radio Nuru exists to reach the Mwani, a people group who live along the northern coast of Mozambique.”
(Graphic, caption courtesy AIM)
Mozambique (MNN) — Missionaries in Mozambique are using “Radio Nuru” to reach tribal followers of a majority world religion. But they need help to keep Radio Nuru’s programs on-air. Most importantly, they need your prayers to save lives for eternity.
“We can have the best language and the best missionary techniques in the world, but unless the Holy Spirit opens hearts and minds, then we might as well go home,” says *Tim, a missionary serving with Africa Inland Mission.
Radio Nuru’s target population is the Mwani, a Bantu fishing tribe living along the northern coast of Mozambique. According to Tim, nearly 100% of the Mwani population follows the teachings of a non-Christian, majority world religion.
Infrastructure development has been very slow in northern Mozambique, and most villages still do not have electricity. As a result, radio has become a constant companion and the primary source of information and entertainment for the Mwani. Enter: Radio Nuru.
Since 2009, Radio Nuru has been broadcasting a variety of music, national and local news, and children’s stories five hours a day, seven days a week. Central to Radio Nuru’s message are the ever-popular and daily Bible Story programs: Taureti (books of Moses) and Njila ya Haki (Way of Righteousness).
“Those books and those broadcasts are really well-appreciated by many of the [majority world religion] listeners,” shares Tim.
The majority world religion followed by the Mwani doesn’t recognize Jesus Christ as Savior. However, the first 5 books of the Bible and stories about Jesus are viewed as authentic. Since Radio Nuru’s Bible programs focus primarily on these books, it provides a launch-pad for introducing Gospel truths to the Mwani.
But, Tim laments, there simply aren’t enough AIM or national personnel to seize this opportunity.
“We’d love to have a team established around Radio Nuru–more people to help with the running of it practically, making programs, but then also [being] out in the villages following up,” he notes.
You don’t have to be a radio engineer to join their team, Tim clarifies. “Someone who has a bit of practical sense, common sense, and a heart to love the people: that’s what we’re after.”
Join AIM’s Radio Nuru team here.
AIM would love to have more local believers involved in running Radio Nuru. However, due to the infancy of the Mwani Church and the young nature of the church amongst the other northern tribes, it has proved difficult to find local believers with sufficient spiritual maturity and skills to work at the radio.
“They’re a tough people to love; they’re not an easy people to be with. The practicalities of living here are not easy,” observes Tim.
“But God desperately loves the Mwani people.”
Tim and his wife, Bron, have been working with the Mwani people since 2005. Their work consists mostly of discipleship of Mwani believers, teaching English, and Bible Storying. Tim also serves in a leadership and advisory role for Radio Nuru.
“Our heart’s desire is to make the most of Radio Nuru. It speaks into people’s hearts and into places that Western, or even Mozambiquan, workers have never been,” he says.
Radio Nuru relies heavily on AIM for personnel and finances to keep the station running, and is in desperate need for regular funding. God has provided from 2009 until today and has allowed monthly broadcasting costs to equal only $1000.
Click here to help AIM keep Radio Nuru on the air.
* Full name withheld for security purposes.