Fiji (MNN) — Things are still unsettled in Fiji
in the wake of a December coup d'etat.
In early
January, Commodore Frank Bainimarama was sworn in as Fiji's leader, after seizing
control of the country in an armed coup.
He has since
dissolved Parliament and banished the elected Prime Minister. In response, the
ousted official is calling for sanctions on the military-backed regime.
Sadly, it
appears the region just re-stabilized, a four year process following a coup in
2000. This new event will send economic shock waves
through the tenuous recovery, hurting the poor the most.
The loss of tourism hurt the most, with exports and gross
domestic product denting significantly. The
military says it may wield power for
as long as five years or as short as 12 months before restoring democracy.
Because of
the insecurity, the US
government cannot guarantee the safety of US
citizens traveling to Fiji.
However, Back to the Bible's Woodrow Kroll remains determined to keep his
scheduled visit.
US-produced Back to the Bible program can heard in Fiji
on Radio Light from the capital city of Suva.
Please pray for the ministry teams as they continue to air the hope of Christ
in this uncertain time.