Radio ministry celebrates anniversary

By June 14, 2005

Moldova (MNN) — 20 years ago it was only a dream. Then, people were simply praying for religious freedom. But, now Christian radio isn’t only a reality in Moldova, it’s flourishing. This week one such radio ministry is celebrating a milestone.

Little Samaritan Mission’s Florin Pindicblaj says they’re celebrating 11 years. “In the Republic of Moldova, God has blessed us with 12 Christian radio stations. Some of them are very powerful, 4,000 watts FM and we put (the) antennas on the high towers built by the government of the former Soviet Union. And, these waves penetrate about 150 or 200 miles.”

The radio ministry has had an incredible impact on the hearts of people in Moldova, says Pindicblaj. He says every day they receive letters or phone calls of testimonies how God used their radio ministry to touch their heart. Pindicblaj reads a letter he received from a 16 year after she was told about the radio station. “I liked the program and then I was begging my mom to buy a radio for me. She bought a radio. I started listening. I liked (it) and in one day I accepted Christ with a special program.”

Funding is needed to help keep these radio stations on the air in Moldova. Since Moldova is a very poor nation, the radio stations aren’t self-supported yet. Your gift of support can ensure this ministry stays strong.

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