North Korea (MNN) — Imagine tuning into a new channel on the radio and suddenly hearing these slow words:
“For …
“… God …
“… so …
“… loved … the … world.”
What are you listening to? It’s the Bible, spoken so that you can write it down. This type of scripture broadcast is one way Christians outside of North Korea send God’s Word over the border, where other Christians can scribble out their own copies of Scripture.

Children line up in front of a propaganda mural in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Photo by Thomas Evans on Unsplash)
“Getting a Bible inside North Korea is very, very difficult. So that radio broadcast is the Bible for many North Koreans,” says Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs USA.
The radio broadcast VOM sponsors also shares Christian testimonies. It allows believers a chance to hear stories of their own countrymen who have escaped the nation and who follow Christ. What a gift it is to hear someone’s story! (Read one North Korean Christian believes about the gospel here.)
“Another project that we support regularly is balloon launches that in some cases carry whole Bibles, but [also] carry gospel tracts, other gospel materials through the air, across that border into North Korea,” Nettleton says.
There are other ways they can’t specifically name that the good news of Jesus is reaching into this closed nation. No matter what more you hear in the news, be encouraged that God’s Word is spreading in North Korea, despite every human odd stacked against it! Pray for fruit to come from this work.
Then, pray especially for Christian families.
“Even parents have to be incredibly cautious about talking to their own children about their faith. So [be] praying for gospel opportunities and seed-planting opportunities,” says Nettleton.
Find more prayer requests at VOM’s webpage for North Korea.
Header image: VOM Korea’s radio broadcasts are produced by North Korean Underground University students. In the broadcasts, students share Scripture — both in its pure form and in North Korean-style dramas. (Photo, caption courtesy of VOM Korea)