(CDN/MNN) — Compass Direct News says Boko Haram claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing
attack Sunday in Nigeria's Plateau State.
to police reports, the bombers drove the car into the Church of Christ in
Nigeria (COCIN), Jos, during a worship service. Eyewitnesses said a handful of church-goers were killed and at least 38 others injured. The church is also where Plateau State
Governor Jonah Jang worships.
an attempt on another branch of COCIN in Bauchi State was aborted by the
police. Authorities arrested eight
people in connection with an alleged attempt, which came barely six hours after
the Jos attack.
reports one of the bombers was shot dead, and one was injured by soldiers posted
as security guards before the bombs went off, killing the second assailant as
Haram–whose name translates loosely as "Western education is
forbidden"–seeks to impose a strict version of Sharia (Islamic law) on
The concern now is how to keep the religious tensions at bay. Those strains run high in the Sharia states of
the north, which sometimes sees dozens killed in bouts of reprisal violence.
Religious rights watchdogs estimates that about five million
Christians are under intense pressure as a result of their faith.
Pray for healing for Christian families who are bereaved through
vicious attacks. Thank God that the
church is strong and that Christians express their faith with confidence. Pray for wisdom for Christian President
Goodluck Jonathan governing a Muslim majority population.