Middle East (MNN) — While the world continues to focus on Egypt, protests are also hitting Jordan and Yemen.
In Jordan, protesters are upset with unemployment and corruption. In response, reports say King Abdulla fired his Cabinet, ordering his new prime minister to pursue political reforms to "correct the mistakes of the past."
In Yemen, protesters are upset with high unemployment and want the president to resign.
Tom Doyle with E3 Partners says this is a new wave of discontent across the Middle East. "I think we're just seeing a collective anger around the Middle East, primarily young people, but people our age too are just frustrated. They're oppressed, and they want freedom."
With 60 percent of the population of the Middle East under the age of 30, the lack of employment and education means hopelessness.
While Islam is the predominate religion, radical Muslims are outnumbered by secular Muslims. But Doyle says, "In times of desperation, people put back and retreat and get more established into their religion, so we have seen secular, moderate Muslims switch in just a minute when things were on the line."
The prayer for Christians globally is simple, says Doyle. "Pray that this massive [group of] people in the middle doesn't move to radicalism, because IF that happens, then the world will witness the creation of 'Iran South.'"
While some Christians are getting involved in the protests, the majority aren't. "Believers are laying low and using this as a time where they can bring salt and light and truth to people in their villages and cities, but they realize right now that they don't have a lot of protection."
Police and the military are being used to keep government institutions from being burned to the ground. There's not much protection for minority Christians who are already treated poorly. "I talked to one Christian leader in Egypt. He said, 'It's just like it's always been. It's just us and Jesus. He's our protector.'"
While Doyle is hopeful secular Muslims will fill the political vacuum in Egypt, he's still concerned about the Islamic Brotherhood winning. "If they do, they're the largest country in the Middle East and North Africa. [They have] nuclear weapons. This does not look good if it moves away from moderates."
E3 Partners support national pastors in these nations. Doyle is asking you to help support them, especially during these uncertain times when people are open to hearing about Jesus. If you'd like to help, click here.