International (MNN) — What would it be like to run around the world for missions?
Through Operation Mobilization, SportsLink International is trying it with their Run 4 the World (R4TW) initiative, and you can be a part.
They're planning to have a series of 5k runs and walks taking place in each of the world's 24 time zones on September 28, 2013. The goal? To bring people together and break down social barriers while raising awareness and support for community development projects worldwide.
You can run, give, or organize an event to get involved. Find details here.
In 2012, R4TW raised $40,000 USD for sports ministry projects that transform the lives of young people worldwide. OM saw communities come together, lives being changed, and people responding to the Gospel.
For example, through an RFTW event in England last year, organizers raised support and awareness for a project in Zambia called "Just One Ball." Over 200 sports coaches use activities involving a soccer ball (the one ball) to disciple, mentor, and equip 4,500 young people. The project particularly focuses on young men–training and equipping them to be committed leaders and fathers.
Elsewhere in Africa, OM partnered with Miracle Missions to organize an R4TW event supporting two community projects in Zimbabwe. A training program equips teen orphans with various life skills and offers real solutions to problems they face.
Another project focusing on Malawi gives goats to orphans. It may seem like a strange gift, but goats' milk provides many nutritious benefits to children. Selling the milk also provides extra income for the orphans, which helps to supply books, schooling, etc.
Pray that R4TW will mobilize the Body of Christ worldwide. Pray that many would come to know Him through the projects supported by these events.