Algeria (MNN) — Questions in North Africa lead to digital Gospel opportunities. “People who are engaged on social media are beginning to question, of course, their traditions,” TWR’s Nathan Anderson explains.
“A lot of those who are [turning] to Christ now are the younger generation; those in their late 20s up to the mid-40s.”
The team at TransWorld Radio is sharing Christ across multiple media platforms. TWR encourages believers of all ages and presents the Gospel through social media and radio.
“There are many Arabic programs broadcast from Radio Monte Carlo into North Africa; from Morocco to Egypt,” Anderson says.
Reaching North Africa for Christ
In October 1960, TWR began airing its first program from Radio Monte Carlo. The shortwave transmitter sits in a building with a sordid past. Nazis intended to use this facility to broadcast propaganda during World War II. More about that here.
Never used for its original purpose, the building now serves a redemptive task — transmitting the Good News of Jesus Christ to millions of listeners daily throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
“Our main focus right now in North Africa is Algeria,” Anderson says.
Algeria has one of the world’s largest movements of Muslims coming to faith in Christ. Pray TWR’s programs will help these new believers grow.
“We have some Bible teaching programs; we also broadcast Women of Hope, which is a program to encourage women who find themselves in difficult situations. Many of them are the only believer in their family or their home,” Anderson continues.
Although the Christian faith has a long history in North Africa, centuries of Muslim control results in frequent persecution. Most of Algeria’s Christians come from the Berber ethnic group, and sharing Christ with an Algerian Arab can be problematic. Nonetheless, Berber Christians share the Gospel boldly in and around al-Qaeda terrorist camps. More about that here.
Pray TWR’s programs will encourage Algerian believers. Pray the Gospel message will reach Algeria’s Arab communities.
Header image is a representative stock photo depicting a young person in Algeria. (Stock photo courtesy of Sami Boudjelti/Unsplash)