Iran (BGR/MNN) – Iran sits astride several major faults in the earth's crust and is prone to frequent earthquakes, many of which have been devastating.
A series of mild quakes struck Central and Southern Iran on Sept. 14, bringing back to life earthquake traumas. Seven days earlier, the northwest region suffered through a series of moderate quakes. Both of these incidents were not quite four weeks after twin temblors devastated rural villages in northwest Iran. According to news reports, more than 150,000 people felt the impact; 300 people were killed.
Baptist Global Response says an estimated 50,000 people around the southern town of Jenah lost their homes during the twin quakes. At least 12 villages were destroyed, and 425 others sustained serious damage. Many roads and other infrastructure were heavily damaged.
While little information about relief efforts is filtering out of the country, there is no doubt about the need to pray for families affected by the earthquakes, said Francis Horton, who with his wife, Angie, directs Baptist Global Response work in Central Asia.
"Many people were traumatized by the twin quakes, and others no doubt are in turmoil because of these more recent ones," Horton said. "Many have lost everything and are faced with rebuilding their lives from scratch. Others were badly injured or lost loved ones. A great many are fearful that more quakes will occur and uncertain about the future.
"What people need most in such times is an experience of God's love for them," Horton added. "We are praying that God will use the crisis to help Iranians understand how much He cares for them and the price He paid so they could enjoy abundant lives of meaning and purpose. We hope our friends around the world will join us in asking God to comfort Iranians in distress and draw them close to Himself."
You can help people in need from disasters like these earthquakes by donating to BGR's fund for General Disaster Relief and the World Hunger Fund.