Philippines (MNN) — James 1:22 tells us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” It’s pretty clear the mandate and expectation is faith in action.
It’s also safe to say we all need someone to show us what this looks like as a lifestyle. For Rowena Mendoza, that mentor was the Haggai Institute.
“Before going to Haggai, I was already a leader. But after Haggai, [it was] like I was given a shot to make me go faster, see things clearer, communicate better,” Mendoza shares.
“You could probably liken it to a car driving at 50 miles-an-hour; then I go to Haggai, and now I’m going 150 miles-an-hour.”
Faith in action: 50 mph
Mendoza leads a ministry in the Philippines that helps people climb out of poverty.
“The foundation of what we do is microfinance,” she shares. But the group doesn’t just hand out loans.
“Microfinance alone will not take the poor out of poverty. It has to be coupled with…the other dimensions of life.”
That holistic approach includes teaching people about Christ and the salvation He offers.
For example, Mendoza’s ministry holds a “Values Training” course for each person who comes to them for financial help.
“In that 6-month period, they meet every week and they share the Word of God, they pray together, and then they learn other things,” says Mendoza.
“Ultimately, the goal is to build their values, help them appreciate how the Word of God connects with the credit that they’re going to get. [That way] when they get the credit, they value it so much that they already know they need to pay it back, they need to steward it well.”
The end result? People apply what they’ve learned, both practically and spiritually.
“The changes — people going to church, people conducting their own Bible studies — that happens quite successfully,” says Mendoza.
Faith in action: 150 mph
Receiving training from the Haggai Institute helped Mendoza bring her ministry to a higher level of success.
“Whatever I’m good at, I’ve managed to get even better at,” she shares.
By helping Haggai train existing leaders, you can start a “ripple effect” for God’s Kingdom around the world.
“If God’s power is already pouring upon you, [Haggai] just opens the floodgates so that you can do much more. But even more than that, it helps you bring others along on your journey.”
Visit Haggai’s Web site here to see how you can get involved.
God Bless.
Brother Dave, with Light of the World Ministries. We teach God’s Word locally in Kansas City, and provide food and clothing to those in need.
Will be on visit to Philippine Islands in 2 to 4 months. How can we help serve with your group. Thank you?