Kenya (MNN) — In Northern Kenya, near the borders of Sudan and Ethiopia, less than 5% of the people are Christian, and about 75% are oral learners. So what’s the best way to hit the ground running with the Gospel?

(Photo courtesy of World Mission via Facebook)
World Mission recently had a major distribution of their Treasure Audio Bibles in Northern Kenya. The Bibles were in 10 native languages and are solar-powered. Their work and your sponsorship will help reach over 100,000 people, most of whom have never heard the name of Jesus before.
World Mission specifically gave Treasures to national pastors, some of whom walked 20 kilometers for a single Treasure.
“These are very passionate people,” says World Mission’s Greg Kelley. “These are people who are serving Nomadic people groups, and these are people who primarily don’t read for themselves.”
The result of distributing Treasures to national pastors paid off. They’ve been forming listening groups, exposing people to the Word, and introducing them to Christ. Reports are coming in that “people are coming to Christ, that new churches are being planted, which is really our ultimate goal when we distribute a Treasure to see the new church get planted.”
Indigenous pastors are bringing Treasures to hard-to-reach areas, as well as refugee camps like Dadaab–the largest refugee camp in the world.
More than 350,000 Somali refugees reside in the Dadaab camp, and 99% are Muslim, which can make sharing the Gospel much more difficult.

(Photo courtesy of World Mission via Facebook)
Usually when a Somali Muslim converts to Christianity and shares openly about their faith, they are putting everything on the line. They are disavowed by their own people, and may even be killed because they’re seen as traitors. There’s a fear placed over converting.
Further, the area surrounding Dadaab is just as violent toward Christians and Christian converts.
“It’s a very radical area where the al-Shabaab terrorist network really has strong roots. But our pastors are going into these areas. They’re fearless, and they’re motivated by the Gospel; and if it takes them giving their lives to share the Good News with these people, they’re willing to do that.”
But there is Good News, and there is life in all of this.
“These refugees are being consolidated into places, and that’s what makes it unprecedented. As the Body of Christ, now we have access to these people,” Kelley says.
“We are targeting these areas because prior to that, it would be incredibly difficult to go and reach them in their territory, which was very hostile, very inaccessible. But now, the church has a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with these people.”
Pastors are putting love into action, whether that’s giving supplies, or showing interest in the people. Kelley says as people receive love, God softens their hearts.
Pastors need your prayers desperately so they’ll be able to break down barriers and share the truth.
World Mission also needs your prayer and support for the Treasure project and water projects in Kenya. You can help show the love of Christ to people who’ve never heard the Gospel.
Because of the recent distributions, people have already been saved after listening to the Word one time. Imagine what your help could do. Click here to learn more!