Rwanda (MNN)–Purpose Driven Ministries’ Kay Warren is on a mission. She’s working to help stop the ravage of HIV/AIDS in Africa, with a stop in Rwanda.
In her latest visit, she launched a new Website aimed at helping churches join the battle to stop the dreaded pandemic in its tracks.
The P.E.A.C.E. team found that the Rwandan government is launching new initiatives to fight the disease.
It’s here that the church’s involvement is crucial. By overcoming stigma and opening their doors to meet community needs, it is one step towards sharing the true source of peace. “In some areas, there may not be a health center or clinic, but there are churches,” Warren said. “If churches can be providers of medication and testing, then it makes health care more accessible.”
According to the website, the team worked with government and church leaders to choose an area of Rwanda to start P.E.A.C.E. work.
They decided on Kibuye, the capital city of Rwanda’s West Province, which was hit hard by the genocide. Warren’s team and a team led by her husband, Rick, began making contact in Kibuye with Rwandan pastors who will be partners in the P.E.A.C.E. efforts. The first P.E.A.C.E. team will visit Rwanda later this spring.