Ukraine (MNN) — 30-35 evangelistic
puppet teams from all over Russia and Ukraine are gathering for a three-day
conference in the Zaporozhe region of Ukraine.
"It's going to be festival where
different teams gather and share their experience with each
other," said Paul Tokarchouk of Russian Ministries.
Veteran teams will help train new
teams and learn ways to be more effective themselves.
"Those who are already working and already have experience will train others in this most effective way how to reach kids with the Gospel and evangelical values," Tokarchouk said.
The conference is part of the Russian
Ministries School Without Walls program, an informal training and mentoring
program that equips the next generation of Christians in Eastern Europe for
About 100 Christian puppet
theatres operate currently, and each reaches about 2,500 children with the Gospel
every year. That's over 200,000 kids
hearing the Gospel in one year.
"We see how that's effective,"
Tokarchouk said. "That's why we're doing
that every year and would like to promote it more and more, and see a lot of
kids…every year through this ministry, they're receiving news about the Lord
You can support the puppet teams
so they have good equipment for their ministry, and you can pray for the
"I would like if you would pray
for all participants," Tokarchouk said. "Pray for those who are here that they will be models, they would be energized, and
they would carry this very effective [ministry] so that more children
would hear about Jesus in the next year."